How To Prevent And Control Pest Birds


They might be fascinating to gaze upon in the wild, but when they invade your space, birds can be a lot of trouble. Pest birds cause a number of problems when they show up on your property. They include:

  • Birds make a lot of noise especially when they gather in large numbers making it had to either relax or concentrate.
  • The risk of diseases. Birds (mostly through their droppings) spread a number of diseases including Histoplasmosis, Salmonellosis, and Candidiasis among other serious ailments.
  • Damage to property. Birds will damage property with their corrosive acidic poop and nests leaving behind a huge repair bill.
  • Safety hazard. Bird poop, especially when wet, is slippery and can cause slip-and-fall accidents.
  • Secondary pests. Birds could also spread other smaller pests that live on their bodies including chicken mites, ticks, and fleas.

With all the problems they could cause, it is important to control bird infestations as soon as they start.

The most common invasive bird species in Australia include the Sea Gull, Common Myna, House Sparrow, English Starling and the Pigeon

How to prevent a bird infestation

Before we get to the control methods, Pestrol suggests some of the things you can do to prevent an avian infestation on your property:

  1. Eliminate or protect standing water sources on your property that birds can drink from.
  2. Cover your trash and maintain a clean food free environment.
  3. Do not feed pest birds as this only encourages them to come back.
  4. Clear your gutters to remove standing water.
  5. Cover openings through which birds can gain entry.

How to control a bird infestation

If birds have already invaded your space, there are several methods you can use to get rid of them. These include:

  1. Bird netting. Bird nets resemble regular nets with the only difference being the materials they are made from. Bird netting is made with strong, durable materials that can withstand the elements. Once installed, the netting will effectively deny the birds access to the area where they are not wanted. It’s a simple and inexpensive solution.
  2. Bird spikes. These devices feature projecting rods that make it impossible for birds to land or roost. They are easy to install and will require very little maintenance once they have been set up. They are also quite discrete which ensures they do not ruin the aesthetic of the structure they protect.
  3. Repellents. Bird repellers use unpleasant stimuli to scare birds off your property. They include water jet repellers and sound repellers. These devices can either be motion activated (so that they go off when a bird is detected nearby) or could activate after a pre-set time interval. The devices are generally solar powered with additional rechargeable batteries for outdoor use.

Deterrents. These are devices that work to prevent bird roosting by scaring them away visually. They include holographic tapes that reflect light dramatically, strobe lights, and scarers that resemble humans or predatory birds like owls.

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